Our Missionaries and Church Planters

Brian and Erin Bollon, serving in Taiwan through GFA Missions. You can get more info about them here.



Mark and Michelle Hale are our missionaries to Portugal. They can be found at their website www.markandmichelehale.blogspot.com or email mmjhale@gmail.com


Donald and Karen Kilmer serve the Zulu people in Embo, South Africa.


Earl and Marilyn Shaffer are church planting near Columbus Ohio. Contact them at eshaffer@abwe.cc


David and Shawn Smith were church planters in Papua New Guinea. Dave is a second generation missionary to Papua New Guinea.



Miqueas and Deborah Perez are church planters in Lilburn, Georgia, reaching the Hispanic population in Georgia. Contact them at mgassman@embarqmail.com


Doug and Linda Wilson are church planters to various countries. Doug is a second generation Missionary.